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Ownership & Funding Info

About Us

Founded in 3 March 2008 by journalist Besnik Emrullahu, the InfoKosova is one of the oldest and largest nonprofit news organizations in the country.

Our Pulitzer Prize-winning newsroom is composed of reporters, editors and data journalists who dig deep and deliver national and international investigative journalism of enduring significance.

Our mission:

To protect democracy and inspire change using investigative reporting that exposes betrayals of the public trust by powerful interests.

InfoKosova is a nonpartisan organization that does not engage in advocacy.

We value and are committed to hiring employees from diverse backgrounds.

Contact: General editorial inquiries: +383 44 44 66 23 and [email protected]

Media inquiries: [email protected] and +383 44 44 66 23

Our mailing address: InfoKosova, Str. Edmond Hoxha Nr. 60, Pristina, Kosovo, 10000

Major Funders:


Kamil Sopi – [email protected]

Marigona Xhela – [email protected]

Erdem Tahiri – [email protected]

Armend Fetahu[email protected]

Enis Hyseni – [email protected]

Arlind Mala – [email protected]

Arta Xhafolli – [email protected]

Leonora Bajraktari[email protected]

Vesa Uka[email protected]


Egzon Statovci[email protected]


Valon Gashi[email protected] and [email protected]


Lum Gashi – [email protected]

Nga Rubrika